Claim denials arising from data entry errors represent significant lost revenue for hospitals and healthcare systems. Denied claims resulting from errors cost an estimated $20 billion annually in the US alone. Data entry errors can significantly impact an organization’s success and cause denials. Many businesses may frequently lose a massive amount of money due to poor data handling. Data entry errors can be reduced in frequency, severity, and timing, among other things. This blog will address the strategies companies can use to minimize data entry errors and run their business more efficiently.

Simple Strategies to Keep Data Entry Mistakes at Bay

Recruit Enough Employees

A company should always have enough workers to handle the workload. It is imperative to hire enough employees to manage the frequent data entry tasks in the business to reduce denials. They should receive sufficient training on the primary types of data entry errors to perform effectively and with few mistakes. Each shift should have a thorough audit and adequate staff members to ensure that the burden is distributed fairly and that business operations go without a problem.

Validate Your Data

Regular data validation is considered an effective practice for reducing data entering errors that lead to denials. It is easier to uphold standards and integrity in operations when you have access to accurate data in the database. The quality and integrity standards of the data should constantly be checked whenever a company gets external data from its clients or sources. Utilizing data validation technologies will assist in identifying any incomplete information. The two methods most frequently used throughout all industries to validate data are data integration and batch processing.

Double-Check Your Work 

If your biller reports a lot of data-entry denials, the front desk needs to take more time and ensure everything is correct. Your team should be speedy, but they also need to be effective. Clarify how data-entry denials slow down reimbursement to motivate your front desk to spend the required time to ensure they input accurate data.

The front desk should verify the data at a minimum once to ensure accuracy if your practice uses computerized intake. We advise downloading the patient’s ID card if wrong information was entered into the EMR/billing system. Your cash flow can significantly benefit from the extra few minutes spent making sure that characters and numbers weren’t messed up or misunderstood.

Reduce Data Duplication

One of the main reasons for data entry denial errors is duplication. It takes a lot of time to enter new information into the network. Therefore, limiting the amount of unnecessary data also lowers the possibility of system data entry errors. Data redundancy can be decreased by regularly rewriting forms and analyzing the entire process, including applications, data, information, and documentation. You will reduce the possibility of entering any mistakes and reduce denials by eliminating redundant data from the system.

Utilize Reports to Monitor Performance

Few companies make full use of their billing system. You can generate reports detailing how many claims were rejected over a specific period and their justifications. You can inform your front desk once you have identified how many of those denials were caused by data entry errors. So they can see how much money was lost due to these errors. Continue to run these reports monthly or quarterly to monitor employee performance. The biller must be able to demonstrate to the front desk exactly what they are doing incorrectly, and both teams must work together to find a solution that will eliminate these types of denials.

Always Keep Your System Updated

Upgrading systems to keep them reliable and completely functional is necessary. Businesses should continually spend on modernizing and automating their technologies to stay on top of the competition in the market. Additionally, using numerous software solutions lessens the staff’s increasing workload. Any data management techniques implemented will function more efficiently, and errors will be avoided. The burden of the data entry operators will be significantly reduced by utilizing many technologies and software. Data entry operators must be aware of how to enable the resources when necessary to increase the effectiveness of the tools and technologies to reduce these types of denials. 


According to research, about 30% of data loss is caused by human error, which seriously impacts revenue and the company’s reputation. If you are experiencing a high number of denials due to data-entry errors, use the above-mentioned efficient strategies to minimize delayed reimbursement. That will put your organization in a better position to collect revenue for provided services and reduce denials.