With every passing day, the medical billing and coding world is advancing for the good. At the same time, it’s also getting filled with complexities and challenges. The medical classification process based on Current Procedural Terminology or CPT codes is used to document or bill healthcare services.

Among unending codes, we’re going to discuss one specific code which represents debridement procedures. CPT code 11042 helps to specify the removal of damaged tissue and expedite wound healing.

In this guide, we’ll explain what is CPT Code 11042 and the intricacies of it like its correct use, its modifiers, reimbursement details and what makes it different from other codes falling under the same umbrella.

What is CPT Code 11042?

CPT Code 11042 can be defined as ‘debridement, subcutaneous tissue (includes epidermis and dermis, if performed); first 20 square cm or less.’

According to the American Medical Association (AMA), CPT code 11042 is a medical procedural code under the range – debridement procedures of the skin.

Let’s now break down the components involved in the definition.


In simple words, it is the process of taking off damaged, necrotic or infected tissue from a wound to ensure the body’s natural healing process takes over.

Subcutaneous Tissue

It is best described as the tissue layer of skin right under the dermis. It is composed of fat and connective tissue.

First 20 square cm or less

This requirement clarifies the role of CPT code 11042 that it is used if the area being debrided is up to 20 centimeters.

In medical terms, CPT Code 11042 is used in documentation and to claim reimbursement for separating infected or damaged tissue that goes as far as the subcutaneous layer for an area up to 20 centimeters. So, healthcare professionals must be very careful while coding as it lays the basis of documentation, billing and reimbursement.

Subtle Difference Between 11042 and Other Debridement Codes

There are multiple CPT codes that can be used to describe debridement. This means that selecting the exact code to specify the condition being treated is extremely crucial. Let’s now take you through the differences between 11042 and the codes that resemble it.


This code specifies the debridement of subcutaneous tissue for each additional area of 20 square centimeters or any part beyond the first 20 square centimeters covered by 11042.


Another code from the same family, but used for debridement that extends to the muscles and/or fascia. These are deeper layers of skin as compared to the subcutaneous tissue.  


This code is just a bit different from others, but not a lot. It addresses debridement that goes down to the bone as compared to other codes that remain within the layers of skin.

The usage of these specific codes, from the same family, refer towards the depth of the tissue extracted and the surface area. While reviewing medical records, attention to detail is imperative in ensuring the correct usage of either 11042 or a related code.

Usage of Debridement’s codes

Correct use of CPT Code 11042

Here are the situations where 11042 must be used.

  • If the debriding extends to the subcutaneous tissue, including the connective tissue and fat.
  • In case the debrided area is less than 20 square centimeters.
  • Lastly, when the nonviable tissue is taken off till the level of viable tissue.

Incorrect use of CPT Code 11042

When the debridement doesn’t reach the subcutaneous layer and is instead limited to the topmost layer of the skin – the epidermis – or the middle layer of the skin that comes after the epidermis – the dermis. 

Another case where using 11042 will be wrong is when debridement reaches muscle, fascia, or bone. In such cases, anyone responsible for documentation and coding for claims must use 11044 or 11045.

When the area of debridement extends beyond 20 sq. cm, you should not use 11042. Instead, the proper codes for this scenario are 11043 for each 20 sq. cm or part thereof after the first 20 sq. cm, is addressed by 11042.

Moreover, factors like complete documentation that outline the depth of the wound precisely, the type of tissue taken off, and the surface area affected must be considered for correct coding.

CPT Modifiers and Code 11042

The use of correct modifiers is known to always support CPT codes. They provide additional details regarding the treatment service. Moreover, the appropriate placing of modifiers may also impact the payment against a service. Some commonly used modifiers along with 11042 are:


Number Correct Modifier Description/Purpose Correct Usage
1 Modifier 25 Significant, Separately Identifiable Evaluation and Management Service delivered by one physician on the exact day of procedure or other service. You must use modifier 25 in case an E/M service was delivered in conjunction with the debridement.
2 Modifier 59 Distinct Procedural Service Modifier 59 is used in a scenario when it is vital to show that the debridement is a separate service delivered on the exact day.
3 Modifier 76 Indicates a repeated service performed by the same doctor/physician. In case the process of debridement is performed repeatedly on the same day.
4 Modifier 77 Is used to address a repeat medical process delivered by another doctor or qualified physician. Use it when the debridement process is repeated on the same day, however, performed by another doctor or physician.
5 Modifier 78 Describes an event involving an unplanned return to the procedure room by the same physician after the first treatment for a related treatment during the postoperative period. Modifier 78 is used when the patient has to return for extra debridement related to the procedure conducted already.
6 Modifier 79 Stands for an unrelated treatment by the same practitioner or other professional during the postoperative period. Use it when the debridement is not related to the original treatment provided during the postoperative period.
7 Modifier 58 A planned or related treatment performed by the same doctor during the postoperative period. This modifier is used when the debridement is planned as part of the treatment procedure.
8 Modifier LT Left Side Used when the service is performed on the left side of the body.
9 Modifier RT Right Side Used when the service is performed on the right side of the body.
10 Modifier XS Separate encounter Use this modifier to indicate the debridement procedure performed on a separate organ.
11 Modifier XE Separate practitioner XP modifier is used to show that the debridement is performed in a separate encounter but on the same day.
12 Modifier XP Unusual non-overlapping service The debridement was performed by a different practitioner.
13 Modifier XU Usual non-overlapping service Debridement doesn’t overlap with other performed services.


The above mentioned modifiers indicate extra information regarding the conditions for which the debridement service was provided. These modifiers help ensure accurate billing, documentation, hence, correct reimbursement.

For instance: A patient visits their physician for a routine checkup regarding a wound and the doctor recommends debridement. In this scenario, an Evaluation and Management code (E/M) will be included with a -25 modifier. Meanwhile the CPT code for debridement – 11042 will be included with no modifier.

Reimbursement for CPT Code 11042

Medicare reimburses for the debridement process or CPT code 11042. However, the approval for debridement related claims depends on guidelines and conditions mentioned in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). To decide the precise rate and coverage limitation, doctors/physicians must consult the guide on fee schedule – MPFS.

Moreover, it is essential to confirm with the local Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) in case there are any regional policies or extra documentation that may influence reimbursement for CPT code 11042.

Payor Variations for CPT Code 11042

Following are some of the variations that may influence reimbursement for 11042.

Insurance of coverage provider

Medicare, private insurances, and other payors may use varying reimbursement techniques.

Geographic Location

Reimbursement rates may vary depending on geographic location, i.e., the provision of care in different locations means fluctuating costs.

Contracted Rates

Many healthcare practitioners have contracted rates to offer. They have signings with different payors, including Medicare and private insurance companies, so they get negotiated reimbursements against services.

Reimbursement rules by Medicare and Private Insurances


Medicare Payment for 11042 is based on the doctor’s fee structure – updated annually. So, to get the appropriate amount, it is vital to consult the updated schedule. Also, it is crucial to note that the fee schedule changes according to the geographic location. For instance, in 2023, the average payment for code 11042 was around $70-80, however, it may be up or down based on different localities.

Commercial Insurers

Commercial payers have widely varying payment rates and rules. A plan may have a different policy for the use of -59, or how codes are bundled. You must always contact the payer for details and specific reimbursement policies for CPT code 11042.

Common Coding Mistakes to Avoid for CPT Code 11042

Miscalculating Area

Accurately measuring the debridement area is important. It may be best practice to take a photo with a measuring tool next to the debridement area.

Not documenting depth

The depth must be documented to differentiate between different debridement codes.

Modifier Inconsistency

Errors in modifier use can lead to claim denials. Always refer to payer-specific requirements.

Bundling Issues

Review surgical codes to determine which debridement services are not separately billable.

Lack of Medical Necessity

Ensure that all services have medical necessity and meet payer-specific criteria.

Resources and Tools for CPT Code 11042

  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • Payor-Specific Websites for up-to-date billing requirements
  • Coding Manuals for current CPT and HCPCS codes
  • Reliable Online Coding Resources like The American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) and other credible sources.
  • Image/Illustration Suggestion
  • Detailed diagram of skin layers (epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, fascia, and bone).
  • Use of arrows to show where debridement would fall for each of the common debridement CPT codes (11042, 11043, 11044, 11045).
  • Include an image of debridement with a ruler next to the wound, and explain how to measure the wound.

Final Words

At the end of it all, it would be wise to say that CPT code 11042 plays a significant role in wound care  involving debridement. Doctors, healthcare practitioners and coding staff must be knowledgeable about CPT code 11042 and should know how to use it for billing and documentation purposes to ensure maximum reimbursement. Understanding the intricacies involved also helps them remain compliant with the coding and insurance guidelines.

Coding guidelines, payor policies, and accurate documentation using correct coding and modifiers can overwhelm healthcare practitioners and their in-house coding staff. Don’t let the complicated coding and complex placement of CPT code 11042 affect reimbursements for your practice, and avail I-Med Claims’ incredible medical billing and coding services at the most competitive rates.